“Vagabonding” by Rolf Potts

This was a book that I found in my sister Pat’s bookcase.  The subtitle reads: “An uncommon guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel”.  

A good, practical book,  sprinkled throughout with appropriate and inspiring quotes from notable historic and current-day travelers (aka vagabonders).  It works well as a sit down read, or as a resource for travel tips and advice.  It is also a book that can redefine personal values.  “On the road, you learn to improvise your days, take a second look at everything you see, and not obsess over your schedule.”  i.e. slow down and see the World you are in.

What I got from this book:  A new way of viewing travel.  My view was that I would love to travel to places that I have heard about that sound intriguingly different from home.  Now, I think it will be more about learning from the people I may meet, and  keeping moving in the world. Travel, as a natural expression of the desire for personal growth and greater understanding.

Recommend:  Highly recommend.

Publisher: Villard, New York

Year Published: 2003